Less than 29 days of Trading Days

22 Nov 2020

We are about 1 month plus to the end of 2020. lets hope everyone who start trading or going to start trading Huat till end of the year. Let start review about the popular stock that mine chat group requested and will add some of mine. Indicator may look different. I call this the tiger rainbow (programmed myself), to see short term, mid term and long term trend. Then you will find the pattern of some of the stocks. If you have 0 stock in the EV sector, need to be bally to go in. As long you know how to stop lose. Time is money and Sky is the limit


Current Resistance: 106.15

Buy Range: 100 - 96 (if you dun want to chase high and wait for correction)


Current Resistance: 127.59

Buy range: 122 - 117 (if you dun want to chase high and wait for correction)


Resistance range: 200 - 205

Support range: 192


Current Resistance: 13.60 (SKY IS THE LIMIT)

If you want to play safe game like within 5 - 15 mins settle fast cash you need to know maybe max $1 X ( XXX share) and take and go for fast cash. Know where is your stop lose. Some stock go down first before going up and when you buy at opem market and it goes into a dip first, you will scared and tend to cut lose and once u cut lose, the stock goes up.


Current Resistance : 24.84 (SKY IS THE LIMIT)

If you want to play safe game like within 5 - 15 mins settle fast cash you need to know maybe max $1 X ( XXX share) and take and go for fast cash. Know where is your stop lose. Some stock go down first before going up and when you buy at opem market and it goes into a dip first, you will scared and tend to cut lose and once u cut lose, the stock goes up.


Current Resistance: 508.61

Buy Range: 440 - 460


Current Resistance: 847.50

Buy Range: 754 - 800

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If you like my blog remember to SMASH the LIKE BUTTON FOR ME AND AS ALWAYS TRADE SAFELY, and if you have any enquiry you can email me at solooppa2020@gmail.com

Discalmier: NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. My Content is only for information purpose. It is very important to do your own research and analyis before making any investment base on your personal circumstances. If you like what i am sharing, share it with your friends who are trading too
