Update on TSLA / APPLE / QQQ

11 Sep 2020

Drawing Below are all base on my own Knowledge and Opinion


Last Night Apple Close below the Support line, the next support will be around 109. Apple iPhone 12 is going to Launch soon, do you think it will go even lower before the iPhone 12 launch first then up trend or just a robound.


DAY 6 and still a down trend, yesterday night was a CLOSE SHAVE as it touchs the MA60 and recover back to the support line i draw which is the blue line. Currently right now i think still in a market correction. If you are planning to go in maybe hold the bullet first


TSLA still doing ok, with a 0.6% gain, but still there is a big gap to recover from 4 SEP 2020 jumping in to the water and the resistance is 403 and support line which is the MA30 around 366. 10 MORE DAYS TILL BATTERY. LET SEE HOW TSLA PERFORM

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Discalmier: NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. My Content is only for information purpose. It is very important to do your own research and analyis before making any investment base on your personal circumstances. If you like what i am sharing, share it with your friends who are trading too or going to start trading cheers
