Should you DCA now or wait awhile more for Syfe Equity100

9 Sep 2020

Hey Hey hope everyone is doing well. What a blood bath last week and this coming days. So the important question is has it reach the bottom or there is still a long way down? Usually on a downtrend we want to find the next support line. Everyone invest in a different way so from my own perspective i think it will still go down but not that crazy like last week. I would prefer the candle able to stand on the support line for few days then and confirm going up then top up

People who had yet to join Syfe maybe this is a good time to do since the price you enter will be lower than normal and why not take this chance to see what lies ahead for the future of investing.

Syfe Referral Code: SRPSZS3Y7
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Discalmier: NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. My Content is only for information purpose. It is very important to do your own research and analyis before making any investment base on your personsal circumstances.
