Is US market going to Bear Market?

9 Sep 2020

For the past 2 days Nasdaq is not able to go pass the MA 30 resistance. Tonight will be the 9-11 in the US and from the past history, usually 9-11 the market is a Green Candle but will it able to breakthough the MA30 and go upwards or will it be a 1 day up then 1 days down?

Alot people in my group chat ask, is this a good time to DCA? Maybe you should ask yourself what kind of investor are you?

1. Whether up or down every month just TOP UP ONLY

2. Are you a Bottom Catch tread rider, meaning find the pattern in your own Stocks that you are investing, for example QQQ above, everytime it touches the MA30 the next day it will go up.

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Discalmier: NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. My Content is only for information purpose. It is very important to do your own research and analyis before making any investment base on your personsal circumstances. If you like what i am sharing, share it with your friends who are trading too or going to start trading cheers
