Brand New Month

1 Sep 2020

Hey Hey hope everyone is doing great and welcome to the month of September. If you guys have not invest in yourself, time to do so as time wait for no one. As you can see below today mark the last day of the month in Aug and we can see that we are doing well in the Equity 100 in Syfe. Hope your Syfe is making gains too

As you can see below information is from Yahoo Finance, the QQQ every year is steadily doing well, even in 2020 while we are still in the mids of Covid 19, the stock is still doing very good or even better than the previous years.

Out of 100% about 45% is Technology Sector, 20% is in Communication services. So close your eyes and think what is the future going be like, fast internet 5G, AI , Cloud Platform, self driven car, all these are going to be heavily invested at this area!! So are you ready to make more gains when the market is back to normal, or are you going to look at other people making gains and say to yourself why did not i start eariler. click the link below to start investing

Syfe Referral Code: SRPSZS3Y7
Click here and Invest with Syfe!

Discalmier: NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. My Content is only for information purpose. It is very important to do your own research and analyis before making any investment base on your personsal circumstances.
