Thing that i hope i know earlier!!!

Hey Guys, today i want to talk about Syfe and what is Syfe?

Syfe is a digital wealth manager licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore under a Capital Markets Services License (License No: CMS100837) for conducting retail fund management activities. ... Your monies and assets are held in a custodian account through Saxo Capital Markets, a MAS-regulated global broker.

So what it does?

Its a place where you put your money with them and they will invest your money. So Simple, yes so simple. For Syfe you do not need to know how to trade in stock market but know how the market works, when the market drop top up a bit so that when the market is doing well, your return will increase too.
Syfe offers fully-managed investment portfolios with no minimum entry or lock-in. With fees starting from as low as 0.4% per year, we make it easy for you to grow your wealth.
So how can i start investing

Syfe Referral Code: SRPSZS3Y7
Click here and Invest with Syfe!

Part 2

So right now my current investment is in the Equity100, i started not about a month ago so the return is still quite low, but that will also depend on how much you put. but you know 积少成多 meaning (Many little things add up to a big portion). As you know if you buy any investment insurance you need to commit every month and cannot take out the money till it mature, but for Syfe you can take out the money anytime. But of course do not expect this to be a 1 week you will earn few hundred thingy. That will never happen.

For Young Man who is in the army or young adult started to work or even young adult planning to get married and get a BTO for your reno in 4-5 year time, this would be a great start to start saving and invest as you know things in singapore are not cheap and every dollar counts. A dollar earn is a Dollar richer

So if every month after you receive salary you can Top up your Syfe and see it grow either $50 or $100 depend all on yourself. The more you invest the more it grow. We call this DCA or Dollar Cost Average.

What is DCA?

Every month put in the a fix amount that you are able to put in. If this month you not enough money then never mind lo for more information link below
Dollar Cost Average

What is Equity100

The Syfe Equity100 portfolio is 100% allocated to global equities. The portfolio holds equity ETFs which collectively invest in over 1,500 stocks of the world’s top companies.

Equity100 utilises a Smart Beta strategy that helps you earn better risk-adjusted returns by moving away from market capitalization weightings. Instead, the portfolio holdings are weighted using a multi-factor methodology that combines Beta with Growth, Size and Volatility factors to deliver better risk-adjusted returns. Additionally, the Equity100 portfolio aims to achieve global diversification by investing in over 1,500 stocks from across the world through broad-based ETFs.
As you can see about 43% is invest in this ETF call QQQ which tracks the Nasdaq 100 index.
Big Company like Apple, Amazon , Microsoft , facebook which they are doing well in the IT Sector. I believe the future is all about the Technology where AI and Cloud technology is going to Bloom, so why not start now and find out for yourself.

Comment down below if you wish to see other thing.

Maybe the next blog i will post some Tech stuff that i bought from TaoBao which is useful for your own house, and if you think this blog can help other people share it with your friend so that everyone can earn and get better everyday!!!

Discalmier: NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. My Content is only for information purpose. It is very important to do your own research and analyis before making any investment base on your personsal circumstances.


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